Thursday, March 19, 2020

Social Distancing Day Four


Chapter 9 Lesson 4

This lesson is about comparing two-dimensional shapes based on number of sides and/or vertices. For example a student can be asked to sort a set of cut-out two-dimensional shapes into 2 groups: those having 4 (or more) vertices and those having fewer, etc.


Now that our writing has all required elements in order to receive a rubric score of 3, it is time for the next step which students will realize is revising. For the revising portion of the writing process, which can actually go on for a number of days, it is our custom to change from using a black ink pen as we have been using to a blue ink pen. For today, we can focus on adding details to our reasons for our opinion. For example, if we gave as a reason that John's Incredible Pizza is the best because of the food, we will now describe the food. If another reason was the rides, we write about the rides. This is why we leave spaces between our sentences when we draft. You may notice that in developing ideas in this way, we are setting the stage for the development of ideas into paragraphs for writing in later grades. This is one reason revising could push our paper from being a 3 scored paper to a 4. Expounding and organizing ideas shows advanced writing ability.


My Shared Reading (Week 1, Day 4, Thursday)

A Farmer's Boy pp. 4-5 (Spelling) In addition to the activities listed on the calendar, compare with your child the genre differences of each selection read so far. At this point in the year, a first grader should be able to indentify the difference between a poem and a non-fiction article. An advanced first grader will tell the author's purpose (assessed) of both, to entertain or to teach about a subject, which is not to say that a poem can't teach or a non-fiction article can't be entertaining.

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