Thursday, March 26, 2020

Chrome Book

Please use the comment section below to let us know if you would like to receive a Chrome Book for your child to use for instruction in the coming weeks. We will be utilizing a variety of platforms for direct instruction and assignments. Just respond with your child's classroom number or the last 4 digits of their LAUSD student ID. We also need to know if your child will have wifi access.

If you have not done so already, respond in the comment section of lessons you have completed or attempted with your child. Participation and non-participation has to be reported to school administration. Or send a note in Schoology.

This information is due to administration the morning of 26 March.


  1. Thanks for the question. To enter a comment, tap or click the comment box, type, then press >publish<

  2. Parent of student #1, is not able to log in to Schoology using the provided barcode. I believe that it only works on Clever.
