Thursday, March 26, 2020


Note: upon completing the activities on any of these entries, indicate completion by posting your child's classroom number or the last 4 digits of their LAUSD student ID in the comments below. You may do that for other Social Distancing days you have completed as well and your child will receive credit or you may send me a note through Schoology, as some parents have, to let me know all at once what you have been able to accomplish. The parents not responding to these messages are required to be contacted by either their child's teacher or office resources. Thank you for your cooperation.

Also, if you use the resources on the At-Home Resources page in Clever, have your child access the resources through Clever by logging on with their account as this page is monitored throughout the day and your child will be given credit for using this page each day. In other words, access through Clever as opposed to accessing the pages directly.

Some students were absent and did not receive their QR code or even if you lost or misplaced it, send an email to and I will resnd a copy to you.


  1. Thanks for the question. To enter a comment, tap or click the comment box, type, then press >publish<

  2. Thank you. Activity for #08 has been recorded.

  3. #10 has been utilizing Clever, thank you.

    1. Thank you. Actually I can see individual activity in Clever; I can't see individual activity here and 10 has been recorded.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.
