Thursday, March 26, 2020

Social Distancing Day 9


Chapter 9 Lesson 9

This lesson is abou the vocabulary word halves. Students should know that 2 equal parts of a whole are called halves. They will identify and make halves. Relatedly, it is noted that halves of different wholes are usually not equal to each other. In other words, one half of a medium pizza should not be equal to on half of a large pizza.

If you do not have the work pages, you can draw shapes and have your child divide them into equal parts and then color one of the halves. Although potentially challenging at first, the 3rd grade page of Math Playground (Clever) has good games utilizing fraction concepts, the easiest of which may be the game Identify Fractions. This game actually reinforces the concepts for tomorrow's lesson while not entirely the same concept.


Another concept we will target in editing this unit is capitalization of proper nouns which is for this particular writing as we are writing about places with proper names. For example, if we were writing about John's Incredible pizza, we would have to make sure to circle the 'p' in pizza as it is part of its name. Alternatively you can teach the correct editor's mark to underline the 'p' 3 times to indicate that it needs to be capitalized.


Shared Reading (Week 2, Day 4, Thursday)

Double Trouble pp. 8-9 (Comprehension, using illustrations)

Note: upon completing the activities on this page, indicate completion by posting your child's classroom number in the comments below. You may do that as well for other Social Distancing days you have completed as well and your child will receive credit or you may send me a note through Schoology, as some parents have, to let me know all at once what you have been able to accomplish.  The parents not responding to these messages are required to be contacted by either their child's teacher or office resources. Thank you for your cooperation.

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